All Articles tagged social
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 17, 2024 CDT This study investigated the impact of the service-learning PLACE model on the social and civic competencies, and motivation and engagement for secondary school students in Europe.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 31, 2023 CDT This mixed-methods research charts the student impact of a service-learning (SL) project implemented as part of a noncredit-bearing course at a private university in the Dominican Republic.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 31, 2023 CDT This study explores the influence of service-learning on leadership development among 13 graduates engaged in a public health care setting in the Philippines as part of their coursework.
Book Reviews
January 01, 2023 CDT Book review
International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research
January 01, 2023 CDT This article describes a case study of an online service-learning program that resulted in transformative learning for students in East Africa.
Advances in Theory and Methodology
January 01, 2023 CDT We urge that instruction shift to radical CBL that connects students directly to grassroots community organizers who lead efforts to change political, social and economic deficits in our locales.
Community Partnerships/Impacts
December 30, 2021 CDT This case study uses theoretical frameworks of cross-sector collaboration and social justice leadership to examine a service-learning program's implementation of a matrix of services to address assessed needs in court.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 30, 2020 CDT This student compares undergraduate students’ perceptions of service-learning (SL) and social entrepreneurship education (SE).
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 29, 2019 CDT Utilizing SERU survey data, this investigation of the differential effects of service-learning on students’ sense of belonging found significant positive effects for lower/working-class students but no effects for middle-/upper-class students.
Advances in Theory and Methodology
December 31, 2018 CDT Empathy is widely viewed as a precursor to civic engagement, a mediator of other responses during civic engagement, and an outcome resulting from civic engagement.
Advances in Theory and Methodology
December 31, 2018 CDT While the benefits of community engagement have been discussed extensively in the academic literature, there exist few assessment tools that can measure these benefits accurately.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 31, 2018 CDT This article discusses the use of Pinterest as a collaborative reflection and learning tool in a service-learning course at a U.S. university.
Advances in Theory and Methodology
December 29, 2017 CDT University-community engagement has the potential to positively transform higher education, but community-engaged institutions must overcome challenges related to defining, planning, and assessing engagement activities.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 30, 2016 CDT This article describes a qualitative study that investigated pharmacy students’ responses to incidents of social injustice following their service-learning experiences in public-sector primary healthcare facilities in Cape Town, South Africa.
International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research
December 30, 2016 CDT This article compares the results of an initial survey (pretest) and final survey (posttest) of students participating in courses containing service-learning.
International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research
December 30, 2016 CDT El artículo tiene como finalidad presentar los resultados comparativos entre la percepción inicial y final de los estudiantes, que participan en cursos con enfoque de Aprendizaje-Servicio.
Advances in Theory and Methodology
December 31, 2015 CDT Service-learning creates a space for contextualized learning whereby students connect classroom concepts to real-world practices relative to their own frame of reference.