This 4th annual issue of the International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement contains research in sections including Advances in Theory & Methodology, Community Partnerships and Impacts, International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research, Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education), and Highlights from the Annual Conference, as well as Conferences in Europe and South America. The issue also includes a Book Review on groundbreaking partnerships for engaged learning.
Introduction %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Welcome to the fourth volume of the International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IJRSLCE), a publication of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement.
Advances in Theory and Methodology %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Articles in this section highlight the vibrant conceptualization and methodological exploration that continue to characterize service-learning and community engagement research.
- Advances in Theory and MethodologyThe study offered evidence of the effectiveness of frequency of contact, reflection, and service duration in influencing civic and academic outcomes.
- Advances in Theory and MethodologyUsing a grounded theory approach, the researchers conducted structured interviews with nine service-learning project organizers to generate a model of an award-winning service-learning experience.
- Advances in Theory and MethodologyAn institution supplemented an existing database of student participation with several other nontraditional sources of student participation data to construct an expanded measure of engagement.
- Advances in Theory and MethodologyIn Hong Kong, service-learning is regarded as a pedagogy for facilitating learning of subject knowledge; rarely does it serve as an independent course focusing on developing knowledge of service-learning itself.
If teachers and advisors do not implement reflection effectively, students are less likely to internalize the lessons they learn from their experiences.
Advances in Theory and Methodology %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
This article argues that the field of community service-learning should adopt a “community of inquiry” model for classroom dialogue.
Advances in Theory and Methodology %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
This article details the findings of a study investigating the effect of service-learning with a "Doing With Community" framework on teacher candidates’ multicultural attitudes and competence.
- Community Partnerships/ImpactsThe Community Partnerships and Impacts section of this journal is intended to be a place for researchers to break out of the insulated world that many have described.
- Community Partnerships/ImpactsThe authors document the implementation of a school-family-community partnership model, which was applied across two years of collaborative counseling programming for two groups of Latina youth.
- Community Partnerships/ImpactsThe purpose of the study was to explore factors contributing to effective student-led e-service-learning (SLESL) projects and to provide insights for educators to enhance the delivery of SLESL courses.
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchIn this International Service-Learning and Community Engagement section of the journal, four articles highlight scholarly engaged work in Mexico, Pakistan, Australia and Chile.
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchMedical students from the United States, in collaboration with local health officials and a global NGO, successfully implemented a training program for parteras, or traditional birth attendants, in Mexico.
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchEl artículo tiene como finalidad presentar los resultados comparativos entre la percepción inicial y final de los estudiantes, que participan en cursos con enfoque de Aprendizaje-Servicio.
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchThis article compares the results of an initial survey (pretest) and final survey (posttest) of students participating in courses containing service-learning.
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchThis article reports on a community-based service-learning program aligning occupational therapy and speech pathology student learning with service to the developmental needs of children in rural New South Wales, Australia.