This issue contains 11 articles across 5 sections: Advances in Theory and Methodology, Community Partnerships and Impacts, Faculty Roles and Institutional Issues, International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research, and Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education). In addition, this issue includes 3 articles in Book Reviews and an Introduction to the Issue.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education) %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Results in this study suggest gender identity and sexual orientation play a role in predicting students’ community involvement and that experiences are complicated by instances of marginalization, silencing, and erasure.
Introduction %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Taken together, the articles in this volume demonstrate systematic inquiry and critical reflection that could inform and improve community engagement practice in K–12 and higher education.
- Advances in Theory and MethodologyThe civic-minded graduate (CMG) construct provides a set of common learning objectives that can guide the design, implementation, and assessment of curricular and co-curricular civic engagement programs.
- Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)The article explores how 1.25-generation Asian immigrant high school students negotiate their sense of belonging in an afterschool service-learning-based program and finds participants broadened their sense of inclusion and belonging.
- Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)The study discussed in this article draws upon the service-learning and mindfulness literature to examine the effectiveness of a combined mindfulness and service-learning training in fostering awareness and civic engagement.
- Advances in Theory and MethodologyThis systematic literature review describes CBSL research in higher education L2 settings to understand program implementation, associated outcomes, and lessons learned.
This qualitative study on the experiences of 27 students majoring in special education found that strengthening connections through service-learning reaffirmed students’ career choices and equipped them with skills as educators.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education) %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Utilizing SERU survey data, this investigation of the differential effects of service-learning on students’ sense of belonging found significant positive effects for lower/working-class students but no effects for middle-/upper-class students.
Faculty Roles and Institutional Issues %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
This multi-case study explores issues of access to civic engagement curricula and service learning for K-12 teacher preparation, finding that disparities exist even where state-level policy dictates civic engagement's use.
- Community Partnerships/ImpactsThis case study describes a process evaluation of a successful academic–community research partnership that measured attitudes about diversity in a southwestern Pennsylvania county.
- Community Partnerships/ImpactsThis article explores the intersection of university and community approaches to addressing complex issues through coalition-based strategies, in particular the emerging role of community engagement professionals in leading change.
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchThis study on women from Mérida, Mexico, who participated in an ISL program suggests their participation yields important learning outcomes in areas such as empowerment, skills, values, and collective organization.
- Book ReviewsKenneth Reardon's new book provides an excellent example of a successful revitalization effort in which key student learning opportunities and faculty leadership merged with resident commitment, knowledge, and patience.
- Book ReviewsThe Cambridge Handbook serves as a comprehensive starting point for someone considering SL/CE work while also delivering a depth of material for those seeking to grow and refine their commitments.
- Book ReviewsThe measurement tools collected in Measures for Community and Neighborhood Research offer SLCE researchers valid and reliable methods for assessing changes attributable to their partnerships and impacts.