Welcome to the fifth volume of the International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and
Community Engagement (IJRSLCE), the annual, online, peer-reviewed publication of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE). IARSLCE is the premier network for scholars studying teaching, learning, and research in community engagement and civic and public life. The purpose of the journal is to make available to educational practitioners, researchers, and policymakers current, high-quality research and theory on service-learning and campus-community engagement.
Introduction %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
The 2017 volume of IJRSLCE comprises an array of submissions offering insight into previously under-examined issues, outcomes, impacts, and/or approaches that help to inform current and future research and practice.
Advances in Theory and Methodology %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
University-community engagement has the potential to positively transform higher education, but community-engaged institutions must overcome challenges related to defining, planning, and assessing engagement activities.
- Community Partnerships/ImpactsPractitioner-scholars in the service-learning field are mostly preoccupied with facilitating learning through community-engaged practice. We also ask whether community-engaged practices have enhanced the programs our institutions treasure.
- Faculty Roles and Institutional IssuesColleges and universities continue to respond to the call for a deepening of community-engaged research and teaching that contributes tangibly to the public good.
- Faculty Roles and Institutional IssuesWith the growth of service-learning within higher education, it has become increasingly important to understand service-learning faculty, namely faculty emotions, which can impact students in many ways
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchThis study investigated the ways in which IB students in Canada, the United States, and Central and South America provided service, and the self-perceived outcomes of their participation
Since the Bologna Process, Spanish universities have faced challenges associated with introducing learner-centered pedagogies and fostering students’ social responsibility.
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Although increasingly popular, international/global service-learning programs are not without critique; in fact, the role of crossing national borders in service-learning is highly contested.
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This article provides an overview of recent changes to 45 C.F.R. § 46, the policy that undergirds human-subjects protections and that is manifested in institutional review board (IRB) research review.
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchIncorporating an Indigenous perspective within existing theoretical frameworks can enable the development of models, pedagogical approaches, and practices that reflect needs of Kenyan communities.
- Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)While researchers have identified some immediate benefits of participation in alternative break experience, less is known about their long-term impacts.
- Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)The purpose of the multi-year study was to investigate the impact of preservice educator participation in a community-based service-learning program for children with disabilities.
- Book ReviewsIn "The Community Engagement Professional in Higher Education", editor Lina D. Dostilio and her co-authors collectively assemble a comprehensive list of competencies and personal attributes of community engagement professionals.
- Book ReviewsThis volume includes not only the unique wisdom of its authors, but also their equally important recommendations for future efforts aligned with service-learning.