International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement
Volume 9, Issue 1 | 2021 | ISSN: 2374-9466 |
Introduction to the Journal Issue
Emphasizing the Impact of Service-Learning and Community Engagement Partnerships Amid Challenges Facing Higher Education
Jessica Mann & Glenn A. Bowen
Advances in Theory and Methodology
Evaluating Reliability of the PRELOAD Rubric: Assessment of Service-Learning Course Syllabi
Sally L. Haack, Stacy Gnacinski, Inbal Mazar, & Anisa Hansen
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
Service-Learning in a Professional Discipline: Exploring Reflections of Aviation Science Students
Stephen Belt & Leah Sweetman
Assessing the Impact of Service-Learning in a Criminal Justice Statistics Class
Kimberley Schanz & Kaela Giles
Community Partnerships and Impacts
“Who’s Out There?” Modeling Innovation in Juvenile Justice Through a Campus-Community Partnership
Yolanda Ornelas, Jennifer Saxton, Patricia Kohler-Evans, Anita Sego,
& Lesley Graybeal
The Development of a Satellite Food Pantry Through Community-Based Participatory Action Research
Jill Juris, Rachel M. Scrivano, Elizabeth Speidel, Lauren Bailey,
& Shannon E. Jarrott
Addressing Opioid Misuse Among Veterans: A Peer-Delivered Opiod Prevention Curriculum
Myah Pazdera, Kajua B. Lor, Otis Winstead Jr., L. Kevin Hamberger, Bob Curry, Zeno Franco, Sarah O’Connor,
Martina Gollin-Graves, Robert Hurley, Tiffiney Gray, & Syed M. Ahmed
International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research
Impact of International Service-Learning on Students’ Global Citizenship and Intercultural Effectiveness Development
Stephen C. F. Chan, Grace Ngai, Jessie Ho-Yin Yau, & Kam Por Kwan
Experiential Learning in Global Health Education: The Impact of a Field Semester Abroad on Careers and Life Choices
Myriam Vučković, Sarina Neote, & Annie Pruitt Gravley
Cultivating Cross-Cultural Learning and Collaboration Among Special Educators Engaged in International Service-Learning
Amy Rose, Melissa Snyder, Amy Murphy-Nugen, Gayle Maddox,
Carol Isaac MacKusic, & Bontle Molefe
Global Service-Learning: A Systematic Review of Principles and Practices
Jason K. Hawes, Rebecca Johnson, Lindsey Payne, Christian Ley, Caitlin A. Grady, Jennifer Domenech, Carly D. Evich,
Andrew Kanach, Allison Koeppen, Kirsten Roe, Audrey Caprio,
Jessica Puente Castro, Paige LeMaster, & Ernest R. Blatchley
Book Reviews
Creating Transformative Service-Learning Partnerships as a Force for Change in Higher Education
Stephanie Bingham
Showcasing the Wealth of Service-Learning Initiatives in Asia
Laura L. Finley
Editorial Team and Reviewers
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchThe purpose of this project was to explore the influence of international service-learning on the personal and professional development of future special educators and speech-language pathologists.
- IntroductionIntroduction to Volume 9, Issue 1, of the International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement.
- Advances in Theory and MethodologyThis study assess the PRELOAD rubric as an evidence-based service-learning tool, measuring its interrater reliability. The results of the study provide guidance for the use of PRELOAD in practice.
- Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)Presented in this article are the retrospective perceptions of undergraduate aviation science students who participated in a service-learning program at a local elementary school.
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchThis large sample study aims to bridge the gap by examining the relationship between an ISL experience and university students’ global citizenship and intercultural effectiveness.
- International Service-Learning and Community Engagement ResearchThis article presents a systematic synthesis of best practices in the context of global service-learning for project design to support practitioners in creating and maintaining justice-oriented, stakeholder-driven projects.
- Book ReviewsBook review for Service-Learning to Advance Access and Success: Bridging Institutional and Community Capacity, edited by Travis T. York, Alan S. Tinkler, and Barri E. Tinkler.