Book Reviews
Book review of Reframing Community Engagement in Higher Education, edited by Elena Klaw, Andrea Tully, and Elaine K. Ikeda
Book review of “Preparing Students to Engage in Equitable Community Partnerships” by Tryon, Madden & Sprinkel
This book showcases community engagement in Latin American university culture, focusing on a branch called “Extensión Crítica” (critical community engagement).
Book review
Book review for Service-Learning to Advance Access and Success: Bridging Institutional and Community Capacity, edited by Travis T. York, Alan S. Tinkler, and Barri E. Tinkler.
This is a review of the 2019 book "Democracy, Civic Engagement, and Citizenship in Higher Education: Reclaiming Our Civic Purpose," edited by William V. Flores and Katrina S. Rogers.
This is a book review of The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning: A Guide for Faculty Development, by Marshall Welch and Star Plaxton-Moore.
The Cambridge Handbook serves as a comprehensive starting point for someone considering SL/CE work while also delivering a depth of material for those seeking to grow and refine their commitments.
The measurement tools collected in Measures for Community and Neighborhood Research offer SLCE researchers valid and reliable methods for assessing changes attributable to their partnerships and impacts.