Advances in Theory and Methodology
A thematic analysis of articles published between 2005 and 2023 was conducted to assess the state of community-engaged learning (CEL) in graduate education.
This article proposes a critical pedagogy of discomfort as a conceptual model to forefront the role of power and emotion in South African service-learning experiences.
This article describes a collaboration between two universities (in the UK and the US) aimed at improving campus-community partnerships.
This article offers an introduction to various techniques for yielding causal conclusions for SLCE practitioners and researchers.
This article describes the development and validation of a short version of the Service-Learning Outcomes Measurement Scale, the S-LOMS-SV.
This study analyzed how 270 syllabi from 193 four-year institutions that were recipients of the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement communicated frameworks and expectations of service-learning courses.
We urge that instruction shift to radical CBL that connects students directly to grassroots community organizers who lead efforts to change political, social and economic deficits in our locales.
This study assess the PRELOAD rubric as an evidence-based service-learning tool, measuring its interrater reliability. The results of the study provide guidance for the use of PRELOAD in practice.
The civic-minded graduate (CMG) construct provides a set of common learning objectives that can guide the design, implementation, and assessment of curricular and co-curricular civic engagement programs.
This systematic literature review describes CBSL research in higher education L2 settings to understand program implementation, associated outcomes, and lessons learned.