All Articles tagged service learning
Book Reviews
November 05, 2024 CDT Book review of “Preparing Students to Engage in Equitable Community Partnerships” by Tryon, Madden & Sprinkel
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 31, 2023 CDT This mixed-methods research charts the student impact of a service-learning (SL) project implemented as part of a noncredit-bearing course at a private university in the Dominican Republic.
International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research
December 31, 2018 CDT Increasingly, colleges and universities across the United States are encouraging students to study abroad, citing enhanced cultural appreciation and critical thinking skills as intended outcomes.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 31, 2018 CDT This article discusses the use of Pinterest as a collaborative reflection and learning tool in a service-learning course at a U.S. university.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 31, 2018 CDT The purpose of this mixed-methods action research study was to examine the impact of community service-learning (CSL) in a rural community on undergraduate students enrolled in a clinical psychology course.
International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research
December 30, 2016 CDT This article compares the results of an initial survey (pretest) and final survey (posttest) of students participating in courses containing service-learning.
Advances in Theory and Methodology
December 31, 2015 CDT The field of service-learning and community engagement expands through the creative methods and careful theoretical analysis of researchers.
Faculty Roles and Institutional Issues
December 30, 2013 CDT In this climate of assessment and accountability, more convincing evidence of the impacts of service-learning participation on students’ test performance and overall academic achievement is needed in K-12 education.