All Articles tagged community service
International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research
January 01, 2023 CDT We report in our findings valuable lessons on how a university may make the transition from individual and isolated public engagement initiatives towards an institutional approach.
Faculty Roles and Institutional Issues
December 29, 2019 CDT This multi-case study explores issues of access to civic engagement curricula and service learning for K-12 teacher preparation, finding that disparities exist even where state-level policy dictates civic engagement's use.
International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research
December 29, 2017 CDT Incorporating an Indigenous perspective within existing theoretical frameworks can enable the development of models, pedagogical approaches, and practices that reflect needs of Kenyan communities.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 31, 2014 CDT The Enduring Community Service Engagement Model illustrates how multiple dimensions of service participation relate to subsequent citizenship values and behaviors.