Community Partnerships/Impacts
This paper presents a three-year mixed-method pragmatic sequential evaluation of a project that aimed to bring together the assets of student volunteers, universities, and the voluntary and community sector.
designed for all participants in community-campus relationships to generate actionable learning regarding their collective work and to serve as an intervention to deepen those relationships.
This article reviews articles on collaboration from community engagement that mention communication. The resulting collaborative communication framework (CCF) is shared.
This analysis identifies three themes that can help community and academic members promote reciprocity as they initiate a Community-academic partnership through equitable distribution of power.
A community–academic partnership launched a community-engaged research project designed to train Veteran peer mentor specialists to prevent and reduce opioid abuse among Veterans.
Food for a Long Life (FFLL) is a community–university–extension project that utilizes intergenerational strategies and community-based participatory action research to increase healthy food access, consumption, and education for citizens.
This case study uses theoretical frameworks of cross-sector collaboration and social justice leadership to examine a service-learning program's implementation of a matrix of services to address assessed needs in court.
This article assesses the efficacy of a diagnostic model created by stakeholders at one institution to examine initiatives aimed at producing positive and holistic impact in the community. .
This case study describes a process evaluation of a successful academic–community research partnership that measured attitudes about diversity in a southwestern Pennsylvania county.
This article explores the intersection of university and community approaches to addressing complex issues through coalition-based strategies, in particular the emerging role of community engagement professionals in leading change.