All Articles tagged pedagogy
Advances in Theory and Methodology
December 17, 2024 CDT This article proposes a critical pedagogy of discomfort as a conceptual model to forefront the role of power and emotion in South African service-learning experiences.
Special Focus on the Practitioner Scholar Community
December 31, 2023 CDT This exploratory, phenomenological study explores the impacts of community-engaged teaching on faculty satisfaction.
Advances in Theory and Methodology
December 30, 2016 CDT The study offered evidence of the effectiveness of frequency of contact, reflection, and service duration in influencing civic and academic outcomes.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 30, 2016 CDT This article describes a qualitative study that investigated pharmacy students’ responses to incidents of social injustice following their service-learning experiences in public-sector primary healthcare facilities in Cape Town, South Africa.
Advances in Theory and Methodology
December 31, 2015 CDT Service-learning creates a space for contextualized learning whereby students connect classroom concepts to real-world practices relative to their own frame of reference.
Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education)
December 31, 2015 CDT For institutions of higher education, demands such as graduate employability, life preparedness, and emotional stability are consistently becoming more complex to support.